Thursday, December 8, 2011

Complicated Situations and missing earrings.

I'm a pro at getting into complicated situations. For some reason, the other day a lot of old friends were randomly getting in touch with me and playing catch up. All is well with that of course, until one of these friends happens to be one that I have a history with. Catching up with him for more than a few hours was great, actually. Well, it was great until he started talking about how he needs to move out here so he doesn't have to be trying to figure out how to afford visiting. We went an entire year without talking until right before I was moving out here, when he told me he wanted to see me before I left. I never saw him though. Since playing catch up the other day, we've talked a little bit pretty casually. I'm just hoping the idea of moving out here was just a passing thought he only entertained that one time.
Since the night I stayed with Calvin, things have definitely been a little different between us, understandably. He has always confided in me about a lot and had already told me many personal things that he says he has only ever told  2 other people. Now, in the past week, he just keeps opening up more with me and is being sweeter than ever. Of course this is all great, however, while we were talking on facebook chat the other night, I happened to glance at the constant updating news feed bar and noticed something Calvin posted on one of his friend's walls. He mentioned that he is probably moving to LA (which I knew was a possibility) but the way he said it, along with a couple other things made me feel like it is pretty likely that he IS moving in January. After a day or two, I finally straight up asked him what the likelihood was that he will be moving, and I explained that I saw his fb comment. He still won't tell me that he IS. He just keeps saying "probably", "nothing is set yet", or "that has been the plan". I feel pretty certain that he is moving though. He will be out there the first week of January for some acting/modeling gigs, and then I guess we'll just see what happens after that. He has a great opportunity, so I am going to encourage him to go for it, however, I honestly don't want him to leave. He seems pretty torn about everything too. Going to LA has been a possible plan since before he even met me. His other option that he had been considering was staying here and going back to school to finish his psychology degree. I don't want to let him change his mind about LA all because of me, but I know the conversation is going to come up.
I know in my last post I said that Calvin and I are just really close friends. We aren't dealing with any titles and are just taking things for what they are. We are young and he is leaving, so there is no sense in trying to figure out what is going on or what we want. We're just enjoying what time we have while we're still together and having fun. So, yeah, its complicated, and for some reason, that's fine with me.
Nobody at work knows anything about us. If anyone did, that would just be terrible. However, everyone sees the way we are when we work together, and therefor, I'm pretty sure everyone has been making assumptions about us ever since 1 week after I got here. The other day, Calvin was approached by our manager. Supposedly some of our coworkers don't like working with the two of us together because we might happen to be just a bit overly flirty/playful/just having fun. The morning before the night I stayed with him, we may have made a couple of our coworkers irritated and uncomfortable because at more than one time we were just standing there hugging. It really is all dumb though. Everyone at least knows that we are close and see each other outside of work, but since when does anyone care about two people hugging?!?!
Oh, and about the missing earrings. I realized the day after I was at Calvin's house that I wasn't wearing any earrings. They aren't anywhere around my place or my car. I am certain I was wearing them because I specifically remember someone complimenting me on them. Calvin says he can't find them anywhere, but they have to be at his house. I'm starting to wonder if he is one of those cleptos that takes girls' earrings or something... that doesn't really seem to fit his personality. The only other possibility is that my cat took off with them, which is a likely possibility. I'm still convinced they are at his house though.

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