A couple days ago, I was sending my resume out for a few job openings, and actually got a few calls! I set up two interviews, and I rejected a third. After looking at the company and position a bit more, I decided I didn't want to waste my time with it. One of the interviews, which I already went to, was presented in a peculiar way. It is interesting when an interview turns from you trying to convince them to hire you, to the company trying to convince you to work for them.
The company presented itself in such a way that made the position sound rather desirable. However, I didn't get the feel that this was a position I would be interested in, but decided to go through with the interview since I haven't had a formal interview in about 5 years. Within the first 3 minutes, I knew I was certain that I wasn't interested. If nothing else, it was a slight boost of confidence, as they did call me for a second interview, which I rejected.
The other interview I set up is for an administrative assistant position at a marketing agency. This one, I actually do want. I talked with someone on the phone for about 10 or 15 minutes about my prior work experiences and where I am currently in life. Somewhere in the conversation he told me that he wants to get me into the office soon and that we'll have to do a more thorough background check as well as a drug screening, and he asked if there would be any problems with that. My immediate response was "oh, no, not at all" but of course I was thinking "why the fuck did I have to get stoned last Saturday?!?!?!"
I talked to a couple coworkers about my predicament, as I only have 2 more days until my screening. One coworker told me that I really should be fine, since its something I've only done a handful of times and the last time before this past Saturday was over 2 months ago, its highly unlikely that anything would show up. After talking to another coworker, he told me that vitamin B-3, or Niacin would do the trick, as its a natural way to flush your system. He gave me a few warnings of what to expect, however, he didn't quite stress how uncomfortable it would feel. Then again, maybe he did, but I was more concerned with its effectiveness and healthiness. So, I did what he said, drank about 100oz of water, then took about 1500mg of Niacin and crushed it up so it would be absorbed and work more quickly, just to get this over and done with.
For 3 hours now, I have felt and looked like I have a bad sunburn, I'm all puffy, my skin is stingy and tingly, and I feel as if I've been having hot flashes. Well, based on what I assume hot flashes to feel like. It is just now starting to wear off a little, finally!
I have to say, I am getting pounded with life lessons in the past few months. After taking the Niacin, I started reading a lot of postings saying that most companies don't even bother with the drug test and that they really only do it to scare off people who would be apt to fail, as well as that they usually use cheap, inaccurate tests. I would be quite disappointed in myself, though, if I was rejected for a silly decision I made one random night.
Oh, and on the subject of coworkers - I have been meaning to describe a few of my coworkers and customers.
There is this newer girl I am working with, who nobody can seem to take seriously. Most everything that comes out of her mouth sounds either made up, or so forced and un-genuine that we'd all rather if she didn't speak at all. She is overly enthusiastic in greeting every person who walks in, in such a way that it sounds so startling that she frequently gets customers reacting with shock or with "wow! You sure are chipper today!" this is far above and beyond the uber Starbucks personality. Honestly, its just frightening. Whenever she gets overwhelmed, which seems to be about 75% of the time she's at work, she starts breathing really heavily. As one of my coworkers described it, "she is like a wheezing pug trying to get air". She is always talking about dates she is going on and has told us all that she has a lot of first dates, but not many second dates. Then there was the Kenny Chesney story.
One day at work, she told me that one time she had a VIP ticket to a Kenny Chesney concert. In her words-
"Yeah, so, the night of the concert, yeah, well, I had a VIP ticket, and we made out... I mean, we kinda dated... I'm sure I'm not the first girl he has taken on tour with him"
I didn't even know how to respond without bursting into laughter. Fortunately, I managed to get through it.
She also told us that she smoked pot once and that she didn't know what happened, but she ended up punching someone. We all are certain that she probably wasn't smoking pot if she was throwing fists. If nothing else, she does provide us all with some entertaining stories.
There is this customer duo that comes in everyday, which I can't help but compare to a certain duo that came into my Illinois store. The only difference is that both members of the Illinois duo used to work in that very store. The duo here is a couple of girls who work at the walmart just down the hill. I have never seen just one of them come into the store without the other. Somehow they always work the same shifts, which is convenient, since they're also roommates. In this duo, there is one who is obviously more dominant. She is always the more vocal one. The other, quieter, possibly slightly pretty if she'd put herself together, is usually the one who pays. Everyday when they come in, I can't help but be reminded of a similar duo in Illinois. Very peculiar.
As I have mentioned already, Calvin will be heading off to LA soon. That's starting to set in a little more. I will definitely miss him. I don't know that I've ever been so drawn to someone as I am with him. We've discussed the fact that we feed off each other on that, so it really doesn't help either of us, and really only increases the sexual tension. If I do get this job that I am going in for on Monday, the timing certainly would be perfect. It would be awful timing for my manager, but I really need a change, not to mention higher pay. I would be starting this new job shortly after Calvin will be leaving. It would be a good distraction for me.
IF it does work out, I will miss my store a little bit. I'll surely visit them sometimes though, at least when I come up to the foothills to go hiking or running. I think I'll really miss the little random friendships I've been making with various people who work in the neighboring stores, and of course, my regular customers that I'm starting to get to know. Well, I'll miss the nice ones who don't think I'm the spawn of satan.
It is weird that I feel like I always end up getting really close to people who are moving away soon. This tendency seems like it has been going on for about 7 years now. Its probably just an age thing though. We're all in these transition times, coming and going with school and graduating and looking to get out and go somewhere.
So goes life though, right?
I really do feel as if I am coming out of the lull I was feeling. I have been making extra effort to regulate my vitamins and nutrients, which I know has a noticeable effect on me.
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