I haven't posted in about 3 weeks. In that time, so much and so little has happened. It has been a stressful month for me. Lets be honest, who is really interested in hearing the nitty gritty stresses of real life? Reading about my random impulsive whims are much more entertaining.
Quite a few friends have gotten into the whole online dating thing. To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of the idea. I thought it sounded a bit desperate and pathetic until a few good friends told me they honestly look at it as a way to meet new friends, since meeting people post-college actually is somewhat difficult. Its not as a knock at anyone's social ability or anything. Everyone is busy at work, and everyone is on their computers or digitally connected in some way nearly 24/7. After some consideration and much MUCH convincing, I gave in. Yes, go ahead and laugh. I'm honestly still embarrassed to admit it.
It has been interesting and somewhat entertaining. Within the first week that I joined one of these sites, I was contacted by a guy that I actually know... My immediate response was to want to delete the account and deny it ever happened. I didn't even know he was in Colorado. Talk about weird. Instead of deleting everything, I made small talk with him and we both claimed to be joining the site for the same reasons, "social networking". I honestly do hope to meet some more people into climbing and hiking. Right now it doesn't seem like I have all that many friends that are really into the outdoorsy stuff like I am.
Currently, there are a couple of guys I am talking to. Whether I'll meet them or not, I have yet to decide. If nothing else, it is providing for some entertaining conversation.
I have given up on birthdays. I do love to celebrate everyone's birthdays and will continue to make a big deal about birthdays for everyone. I think the only reason I like to do this is because I know how much it sucks when nobody cares about your birthday. I thought about making plans for my birthday, but every time I have any expectations for my birthday, it turns out to be a great disappointment. The week of my birthday, friends were asking what I wanted to do, and I just told them I wasn't sure. Of course, everyone insisted that we have to do something for my birthday. So, I told them we would probably just go out for drinks the following weekend and that I would let them know. Come Friday, I was with some friends, and of course, they asked what we were going to do for my birthday. I said nothing and explained how my birthday always turns into a disappointment. One friend insisted and insisted that we must go out for drinks or do something. Eventually she demanded that I let her take me out for drinks the following evening and that we party downtown. Finally I gave in and said we could... Sure enough, a couple hours before we were supposed to go out, she canceled on me. It really turned out to be a pretty awful night. In addition to being canceled on, my laptop that I had only had 2 weeks was being screwy, so I had to take it into the Geek squad, where the guy helping me insulted me for working in a coffee shop even though I have a degree.
To top it off, that night, Calvin and I had a pretty stressful conversation, which I don't want to go into the details of. After talking, he ended up drunk texting me trying to exclaim his love for me, then he just kept sending me song lyrics. I was to the point where I didn't care if I ever saw or spoke to him again. The next day though, he apologized a million times for everything, while still explaining that he does love me...
So anywhow, now I'm pretty well set in the mindset that I will never try to do anything for my birthday again.
As far as Max, the guy I tied a balloon to on new years, we have conversations now and then, but that seems to be fizzling off. His sister just had a baby, so he will be back in Denver sometime soon. I suppose we'll see what happens then, if we're still talking, if he asks to hang out.
I'll admit, I am a little ridiculous when it comes to crushes... as if I have to point that out. However, I honestly believe you can learn or gain something from every person you let into your life or spend time with, so I am always up for getting to know new people! I just happen to frequently develop crushes that are often pretty short lived. It keeps things interesting. And on that note...
There is this guy at a coffee shop that I frequent. I know, so cliche, a guy at a coffee shop. Regardless, I developed a slight crush pretty quickly. I'm usually overly bold and borderline cocky in about any situation. For some reason, every time I come into the coffee shop and he is working, I instantly turn into this absurdly quiet, shy girl. ITS SO IRRITATING!!! The first time I noticed him, as he was ringing me up, he not only made a blatantly obvious name check on my debit card, but then went ahead and addressed me by my full name. I smiled, slightly laughed, said thank you, and went on my way. As soon as I got outside I was just mad at myself for not saying anything more! This happened a few more times, and we make more and more friendly small talk now and then.
Today, I went into the coffee shop and he was working. Usually the place is rather busy, but today when I got my drink, there was nobody else at the counter. He told me I have a super hero name, and we made a few light jokes about my second life as a super hero. As usual, I didn't take advantage of the situation and just carried on into the coffee shop and found a table.
By this point, I decided he has made it rather obvious in many ways that he is at least curious about me. So, I worked up some nerve and decided to go back to get something to eat for an excuse to talk to him again. Feeling quite pathetic, I finally asked for his name as I pointed out that he has checked my name on my card 5 times or so now. He gave me his full name, which sounds quite made up. We made more small talk, said it was nice to officially meet one another, and I went on my way back to my nook with my laptop. I'm sure I sound like a pathetic schoolgirl with a crush right now... well, I pretty much am. Oh well, I feel like there was at least some advancement there, and I finally spoke up a bit more. Plus, it was cute as I was leaving and he stammered while trying to say "have a nice afternoon".
Now the obvious question on hand - do I add him on facebook or not?
I'm thinking not. With any hope, he'll send me a friend request first.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
who knew a purple balloon could cause so much?
I might have made things a little rotten between Calvin and I. He left for a week in LA this morning though, so by the time he gets back, all will probably be fine.
Our manager approached me again the other day to tell me that my sweater-dress that I wore to work the other day was an inappropriate length for work. Everything was fully covered and I had leggings on as well. I was telling Calvin that I feel like our manager just thinks I'm the store slut or something. He laughed and said that our manager tends to make a deal about any girl he is hanging out with and that someone said that he, as well as one of our other coworkers, both bring the slut out in girls. At this point, I was running on 2 hours of sleep and it was the end of my shift. I was a little irritated by his comment, and ended up texting him, explaining that he was making me feel a bit cheap, as well as a couple other things. I never heard anything back from him, however I'm not really sure how he could respond to what I said. Plus, he was working and new years plans for a show right after, then left early in the morning for LA. After I thought about it, I realized it was dumb of me to say what I did, because I do know quite well that the way he is with me is not typical for him at all, and he hasn't been this way with other girls.
I had told a friend earlier in the day that I know I don't want a relationship with Calvin, but I honestly want a distraction from him right now...
For New Years, I decided to hang out with two friends from Peoria, Griffin and Holly, who moved here shortly after I did. We went downtown and met up with a coworker of Holly's at a bar that was absolutely packed. This is where the absurdity for the night begins.
People in Denver seem so much more social than they were back in Illinois. Shortly after finding a place in the crowd to "settle", if you will, a guy who was probably noticed the 4 of us. He started trying to make small talk and jokes with me, while throwing in random ridiculous compliments. It was entertaining for a short bit, until he just kept coming by and then started touching my hair... just a bit awkward. At this point we were all just laughing at the situation and having fun. Eventually he started trying to get touchy and ended up grabbing my ass, then Holly kicked him and started yelling at him. He backed off, but then kept staring at me. I decided pretty quickly that I wanted to go somewhere else because now he was just making me really uncomfortable, so we all left.
While standing on the street, waiting for Griffin to close his tab at the bar, we noticed the bar across the street, which we had heard supposedly had a hot tub inside. After discussing how disgusting that must be, we decided we should go check out the bar and see if there was in fact a hot tub... There was. Fortunately, the hot tub was closed. I can only image the number of diseases that must be lurking in that water. We quickly decided to go next door to an Irish pub, which was much more my scene than any of the previous bars. On our way over, I snagged a giant helium balloon from the hot tub bar.
We made our way into the pub, which was pretty full, but not too packed. By this point it was about 20 minutes until midnight. The place and the people filling it made me think of the crowd I would hang around with at shows in high school, just 6 years later, and I mean that in the best way, seriously. There was an Irish band playing, which made for a pretty good time. At midnight, we were standing in the crowd in front of the band, where there was a small bar right next to us. The bartenders opened a bottle of champagne and were pouring glasses right there on the bar, so without hesitation, I grabbed the first four glasses I saw and handed them to my friends... Pretty sure they weren't intended to be free, but hey, it was new years and I was a mildly intoxicated, and it just seemed like the right thing to do... At this point, its hard to say what was prompting our decision making. We were all a bit intoxicated, but none of us were too far gone by any means.
We left the pub and noticed a pizza place back on the other side of the street that was selling pizza by the slice. While we were huddled in the corner, eating our pizza, a guy turned around from the counter with a huge pizza box, looked at me, and told me I'm really pretty. If only I had been thinking more quickly, I probably could have gotten a free slice of pizza out of him... I probably would've felt bad for taking advantage of the guy though, plus I hadn't paid for anything yet all night.
From the pizza place, we went back to the hot tub bar to use the restrooms, since the pizza place didn't have any restrooms in the little take-out room we were in, and the Irish pub had a sign that said "no public restroom" and the first bar had a line of people waiting for people to leave just to be let through the door. The hot tub bar had the strangest mix of things going on inside. Right in the door, there was a giant tacky chandelier hanging, which was at least 6 feet from top to bottom. Other decor, aside from the giant balloons (one of which I was still carrying around with me) were random clumps of sparkly streamers hanging from the ceiling, which we pulled down to tie around our heads. Along with the hot tub, half of the bar was full of pool tables, most of which were occupied by an assortment of people.
While walking out the bathroom door, the balloon popped, of course drawing a lot of attention. So, I immediately pulled two more balloons off the back of a chair. One was instantly popped by some random guy, and then the other we quickly started sucking helium out of with a group of random guys who were distracted by the popping balloons. After some fun with that, we decided to go back to the pub, where we had left Holly's coworker with a friend she ran into. On our way, I snagged another giant purple balloon.
By this point, I was definitely sobering up a little bit. Well, maybe just enough to be aware that carrying a giant purple balloon made me feel like a 12 year-old... but I didn't care.
The various guys that had been hitting on me all night, along with the alcohol, gave me a little extra boost in confidence and cockiness.
Once we were back inside the pub, we were just standing, watching the band. One of the guys standing next to us started commenting on my balloon, as well as bopping people with it, and then Griffin started talking to the other guy standing near us, Max. Noticing that both of these guys were somewhat attractive, I jumped in and asked how he knew Griffin, hoping that he happened to be from Illinois as well. Turned out that they had been talking while ordering drinks at the bar. After this, or maybe it was before this, I had tied the purple balloon to Max's hood... this only happened with the encouragement of his friend. Some way or another, Max and I ended up talking the rest of the night. He is from the Denver area, but lives and works in LA... Damn LA!! He mentioned that he leaves in a couple days, but he will be back in about a week because his sister's baby is due January 10th, the day before my birthday.
Before leaving, a guy that was totally way too into the band ended up knocking me and a couple of other people over, resulting in beer being spilled all over me, and the guy who knocked us all over was then kicked out of the bar. Mildly embarrassing, to say the least.
Max asked if he could get my number or find me on facebook, so I added him on facebook, seeming to be the safer option of the two. However, while on my way home, I sent Max a facebook message giving him my phone number... thank you, alcohol.
Griffin, Holly, and I hopped on a bus to get to the train station to take us back to their side of town. While on the most packed bus I have ever been on, some guy took Holly's wallet. Somehow she felt it when he took it, and started yelling at him and pulled her wallet out of his back pocket. We quickly got off the bus, while people were starting to yell at him. No telling what happened to him after we left.
I finally got home at 4am, just in time to tell my roommate happy new year, as he was on his way out the door to work.
This morning I got a text from Max, and we made small talk (small talk texting? small text?) for a little bit. Not really sure what to think of this or if we will actually continue talking, but hey, I did say I wanted a distraction from Calvin. Oh, and he mentioned that he still has the purple balloon I had tied to his jacket.
Our manager approached me again the other day to tell me that my sweater-dress that I wore to work the other day was an inappropriate length for work. Everything was fully covered and I had leggings on as well. I was telling Calvin that I feel like our manager just thinks I'm the store slut or something. He laughed and said that our manager tends to make a deal about any girl he is hanging out with and that someone said that he, as well as one of our other coworkers, both bring the slut out in girls. At this point, I was running on 2 hours of sleep and it was the end of my shift. I was a little irritated by his comment, and ended up texting him, explaining that he was making me feel a bit cheap, as well as a couple other things. I never heard anything back from him, however I'm not really sure how he could respond to what I said. Plus, he was working and new years plans for a show right after, then left early in the morning for LA. After I thought about it, I realized it was dumb of me to say what I did, because I do know quite well that the way he is with me is not typical for him at all, and he hasn't been this way with other girls.
I had told a friend earlier in the day that I know I don't want a relationship with Calvin, but I honestly want a distraction from him right now...
For New Years, I decided to hang out with two friends from Peoria, Griffin and Holly, who moved here shortly after I did. We went downtown and met up with a coworker of Holly's at a bar that was absolutely packed. This is where the absurdity for the night begins.
People in Denver seem so much more social than they were back in Illinois. Shortly after finding a place in the crowd to "settle", if you will, a guy who was probably noticed the 4 of us. He started trying to make small talk and jokes with me, while throwing in random ridiculous compliments. It was entertaining for a short bit, until he just kept coming by and then started touching my hair... just a bit awkward. At this point we were all just laughing at the situation and having fun. Eventually he started trying to get touchy and ended up grabbing my ass, then Holly kicked him and started yelling at him. He backed off, but then kept staring at me. I decided pretty quickly that I wanted to go somewhere else because now he was just making me really uncomfortable, so we all left.
While standing on the street, waiting for Griffin to close his tab at the bar, we noticed the bar across the street, which we had heard supposedly had a hot tub inside. After discussing how disgusting that must be, we decided we should go check out the bar and see if there was in fact a hot tub... There was. Fortunately, the hot tub was closed. I can only image the number of diseases that must be lurking in that water. We quickly decided to go next door to an Irish pub, which was much more my scene than any of the previous bars. On our way over, I snagged a giant helium balloon from the hot tub bar.
We made our way into the pub, which was pretty full, but not too packed. By this point it was about 20 minutes until midnight. The place and the people filling it made me think of the crowd I would hang around with at shows in high school, just 6 years later, and I mean that in the best way, seriously. There was an Irish band playing, which made for a pretty good time. At midnight, we were standing in the crowd in front of the band, where there was a small bar right next to us. The bartenders opened a bottle of champagne and were pouring glasses right there on the bar, so without hesitation, I grabbed the first four glasses I saw and handed them to my friends... Pretty sure they weren't intended to be free, but hey, it was new years and I was a mildly intoxicated, and it just seemed like the right thing to do... At this point, its hard to say what was prompting our decision making. We were all a bit intoxicated, but none of us were too far gone by any means.
We left the pub and noticed a pizza place back on the other side of the street that was selling pizza by the slice. While we were huddled in the corner, eating our pizza, a guy turned around from the counter with a huge pizza box, looked at me, and told me I'm really pretty. If only I had been thinking more quickly, I probably could have gotten a free slice of pizza out of him... I probably would've felt bad for taking advantage of the guy though, plus I hadn't paid for anything yet all night.
From the pizza place, we went back to the hot tub bar to use the restrooms, since the pizza place didn't have any restrooms in the little take-out room we were in, and the Irish pub had a sign that said "no public restroom" and the first bar had a line of people waiting for people to leave just to be let through the door. The hot tub bar had the strangest mix of things going on inside. Right in the door, there was a giant tacky chandelier hanging, which was at least 6 feet from top to bottom. Other decor, aside from the giant balloons (one of which I was still carrying around with me) were random clumps of sparkly streamers hanging from the ceiling, which we pulled down to tie around our heads. Along with the hot tub, half of the bar was full of pool tables, most of which were occupied by an assortment of people.
While walking out the bathroom door, the balloon popped, of course drawing a lot of attention. So, I immediately pulled two more balloons off the back of a chair. One was instantly popped by some random guy, and then the other we quickly started sucking helium out of with a group of random guys who were distracted by the popping balloons. After some fun with that, we decided to go back to the pub, where we had left Holly's coworker with a friend she ran into. On our way, I snagged another giant purple balloon.
By this point, I was definitely sobering up a little bit. Well, maybe just enough to be aware that carrying a giant purple balloon made me feel like a 12 year-old... but I didn't care.
The various guys that had been hitting on me all night, along with the alcohol, gave me a little extra boost in confidence and cockiness.
Once we were back inside the pub, we were just standing, watching the band. One of the guys standing next to us started commenting on my balloon, as well as bopping people with it, and then Griffin started talking to the other guy standing near us, Max. Noticing that both of these guys were somewhat attractive, I jumped in and asked how he knew Griffin, hoping that he happened to be from Illinois as well. Turned out that they had been talking while ordering drinks at the bar. After this, or maybe it was before this, I had tied the purple balloon to Max's hood... this only happened with the encouragement of his friend. Some way or another, Max and I ended up talking the rest of the night. He is from the Denver area, but lives and works in LA... Damn LA!! He mentioned that he leaves in a couple days, but he will be back in about a week because his sister's baby is due January 10th, the day before my birthday.
Before leaving, a guy that was totally way too into the band ended up knocking me and a couple of other people over, resulting in beer being spilled all over me, and the guy who knocked us all over was then kicked out of the bar. Mildly embarrassing, to say the least.
Max asked if he could get my number or find me on facebook, so I added him on facebook, seeming to be the safer option of the two. However, while on my way home, I sent Max a facebook message giving him my phone number... thank you, alcohol.
Griffin, Holly, and I hopped on a bus to get to the train station to take us back to their side of town. While on the most packed bus I have ever been on, some guy took Holly's wallet. Somehow she felt it when he took it, and started yelling at him and pulled her wallet out of his back pocket. We quickly got off the bus, while people were starting to yell at him. No telling what happened to him after we left.
I finally got home at 4am, just in time to tell my roommate happy new year, as he was on his way out the door to work.
This morning I got a text from Max, and we made small talk (small talk texting? small text?) for a little bit. Not really sure what to think of this or if we will actually continue talking, but hey, I did say I wanted a distraction from Calvin. Oh, and he mentioned that he still has the purple balloon I had tied to his jacket.
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